Melanie Flake

I am a big fan of community college and trade schools

They are a good start if you’re trying to help your high school graduate decide what post secondary education to pursue.

Do you have family rules about screen time?

Does your family have conversations about technology usage in your home?

Today was a good day to be mom

I chaperoned second graders on a field trip to the Idaho Discovery Center in Boise.

Do you know someone who vapes?

Let’s make sure our kids understand the dangers of vaping and nicotine addiction.

How do you feel about mastery programs?

No one benefits from moving a student to a more complex subject without understanding the basics. 

Resources to help students plan for their future

Here are the ones I found most helpful. Do you have others?

It makes my heart happy to know where my kids are at all times

Here are some great tools and tips for keeping track of your kids — their screen time, app use and location.

How do you talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol?

Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42 percent less likely to use drugs than those who don’t.

Our to-do list for selecting a college

How do you help your senior apply for college? What factors are important to your family?

How have Idaho’s free programs helped your future college student?

They have made it easier and much cheaper for my son to pursue his post-secondary education.