
Chickens are teaching our kids responsibility this summer — we hope  

A Dad’s Diary: We ruffled some feathers holding the kids to a work schedule over the next few weeks but so far so good.

GOP attacks on school levy process mean deep cuts for our students

Recently, Republican lawmakers eliminated two of the four election dates that school districts use to propose funding measures to voters.

Geosciences has paved the way for global citizenship

Geoscience graduates find themselves at the forefront of innovation, working in diverse sectors ranging from energy and mining to conservation and urban planning.

Has HJR 3, passed in 1988 to reduce property tax, been successful?

Everyone needs to understand that school districts are competing with other taxing districts for the property owners money and that each of these taxing districts by state law receives a 3% tax increase every year.

Celebrating School Board Appreciation month

Selected by the community, for the community, of the community – school boards are composed of local residents who have a vested interest in the quality of their public schools.

Libraries limit access as GOP bill takes effect

Libraries already have locally governed complaint policies, which usually require that the complainant be a resident.

Moon is out if new GOP team has its way

The immediate focus of the leadership team will be to restore peace and harmony to the central committee

Idaho Primary: The good, the bad and the ugly

The self-styled Idaho Freedom Foundation bragged that the election was “historic” and concluded that “Idaho has spoken.”

How gross jelly beans and a game of hide-and-seek help me connect with my kids

Check out our new column: A Dad’s Diary, parenting perspectives from Devin Bodkin. Send him your ideas.

School board members stand as unsung architects

In small rural communities, handling differences of opinion and fostering relationships with individuals who hold varying perspectives is a highly visible task