
Let’s make a deal: Is it Launch vs. savings accounts?

Holding Launch hostage isn’t even good politics for privatization legislators.

Families stymied as Idaho committee shuts down ed choice debate

House Bill 447 would have allowed parents to take a tax credit to help offset the cost of educational expenses outside the public school system.

Investing in Idaho’s forestry workforce

Like many Idaho businesses, without a stable workforce, forestry’s tremendous impact on our state’s economy is at risk.

For Sunshine Week, consider creating an open government ombudsman

Strong open government laws are critical to a well-functioning republic and ensuring public accountability. 

One of these education programs is just like the other

When Launch was up for discussion last year, legislators were split.

Students will not come to Idaho if SB 1357 passes

If the proposed legislation on Idaho Senate Bill No. 1357 passes this 2024 legislative session, the sole person, Julia Keleher, that brought me to the state of Idaho would be terminated.

The school facilities bill is the right thing, done in the wrong way

HB 421 has several subjects besides just amending school facility financing laws and the seemingly unrelated income tax statutes.

Needed school facilities funding comes in “counterproductive” bill

The most beneficial part of House Bill 521 would make $1 billion available over the next decade for construction, renovation, and maintenance.