Month: May 2019

Blaine County critics plan ‘leadership crisis meetup’

An unusual bipartisan political coalition have agreed to attend — but only to listen. Organizers hope local patrons will lay out specific concerns about the Blaine County School District and its leadership.

Analysis: A think tank’s unflinching analysis of Idaho’s school system

“The education system in Idaho hasn’t kept up with the human capital demands of local industry, forcing companies to expand elsewhere,” authors from The Brookings Institution said.

One Stone’s first graduating class makes its way to college

Seniors from the break-the-mold, tuition-free independent high school received admissions offers from 45 different public and private colleges and universities from coast to coast.

Lawmaker on ‘Redskins’ mascot: ‘Tradition is important’

“I am fed up with political correctness and oversensitivity!” Rep. Chad Christensen wrote on his Facebook page Saturday. Trustees will take public comment on Teton High School’s mascot in July.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: May 28-29

Ybarra has no calendar items for Thursday or Friday, according to the schedule released by her office. Ybarra’s office was closed Monday for Memorial Day.

Maine is poised to tighten its vaccination opt-out laws

The bill would allow parents to opt out of vaccinations only on medical grounds. Idaho has one of the nation’s highest opt-out rates — driven largely by religious exemptions.

Thank you teachers for helping me keep my children safe

Thank you for covering the difficult topics and helping me to start the conversation at home.

Episode 163: Idaho Fails to Meet Achievement Targets

A closer look at Idaho’s progress toward meeting education goals outlined in the state plan to comply with federal education law.

State has $7.6 million for career-technical grants — and a plan for spending the money

First, the federal money will start rolling in. Then, by 2020, the state will need to turn in a plan for measuring success.

New yardstick, similar results: Idaho’s school spending lags

When school spending is measured in relation to wealth — and calculated per $1,000 of personal income — Idaho ranks No. 46 nationally.