teacher salaries

Study: Idaho teacher salaries rank lowest in nation

Idaho’s teacher salaries, adjusted for cost of living, rank lowest in the nation and come in 12 percent below the national average. That’s one finding from a larger national salary study from the Washington, D.C.-based Brookings Institution.

Idaho’s average teacher salary increases by 3.6 percent

The pay raises are the largest in the era of the “career ladder,” Idaho’s five-year, $250 million plan to boost teacher pay. The average teacher salary now exceeds $48,000.

Teacher salaries up 5 percent, two years into career ladder

In the coming weeks, lawmakers will consider putting another $62 million into teacher pay. Is this cash infusion helping schools recruit and retain quality teachers?

Teacher salaries increase by 2.1 percent, in first year of career ladder

However, the career ladder does little to boost salaries for veteran teachers — creating a dilemma for districts.

The first, complicated steps to a career ladder

District officials are figuring out how to implement the complicated new teacher pay plan, signed into law less than four weeks ago.

Task force members discuss career ladder

The plan would increase starting teacher pay to $40,000, boost pay at the top end of the salary schedule, and provide leadership awards to teachers. The cost: $35 million to $43 million per year.