State Policy

State Board sets new minimum instructional days. What that means for four-day districts

Also on Wednesday, the board approved raises for three college and university presidents.

Lawmakers get a glimpse into CWI’s growth — and the challenges that come with it

In barely 15 years, the College of Western Idaho has grown from zero students to 30,000 students. College officials are talking about how to accommodate 50,000 students, President Gordon Jones said.

Is Launch reaching a new group of graduates? It’s possible

Many Launch applicants have grade-point averages that fall below the statewide mean of 2.9, suggesting the program is connecting with students who wouldn’t normally consider college.

‘Phoenix or bust:’ As a plan to rework the purchase flamed out, frustrations flared

Idaho Education News reviewed hundreds of pages of internal emails, for a behind-the-scenes look at the Statehouse debate over the proposed University of Phoenix megadeal.

Analysis: A turbulent primary, and maybe a glimpse into the future

Fifteen incumbents lost on Tuesday. The Legislature appears poised to shift further to the right. And outside PAC money made the primaries more costly and more caustic.

Who’s spending in Tuesday’s election? A guide to some key players

A complicated — and competing — network of outside groups has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into Tuesday’s legislative primaries. Let’s try to untangle the spider web.

House Education vice chair faces two conservative challengers

Rep. Lori McCann of Lewiston is defending her four-year record — and, to an extent, her committee’s record — in a three-person GOP primary.

School choice PAC: Statehouse opponents are targets

“If you’re a candidate or lawmaker who opposes school choice – you’re a target,” an American Federation for Children director told Idaho Education News. The group has spent close to $228,000, mostly on negative campaigning.

Federal appeals court hears arguments on Idaho bathroom bill

The 2023 Legislature passed a law to prevent transgender students from using bathrooms that align with their gender identity. The law remains mired in federal court.

The Legislature’s K-12 budgeter-in-chief faces a high-profile primary

Six-term Rep. Wendy Horman, R-Idaho Falls, faces two high-profile primary opponents: Bryan Smith, a GOP national committeeman with Idaho Freedom Foundation ties; and Sean Coletti, mayor of the neighboring bedroom community of Ammon.