Rod Gramer

The most crucial decision for education since statehood will take place this session

The decision facing lawmakers is whether to use taxpayers’ dollars to finance private and religious schools. My answer to that is an emphatic no.

National business leader pays it forward in Idaho

Read Mary Mary Daly’s story and why the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco wants to help Idaho teens get to college.

Vote for education this summer

As an organization that represents more than 250 business leaders across our state, Idaho Business for Education believes that public education is essential for Idaho’s economic prosperity and quality of life.

Conflict entrepreneurs ramp up attacks on public education

Out-of-state interests have picked up steam nationally and in Idaho partly because of the turmoil created by the pandemic.

Durable skills are vital for future workers

Durable skills used to be called “life skills” or “soft skills” which really downplays how important they are in the workplace.

The importance of education

Nearly 70 percent of Idahoans, including more than 60 percent of Republicans, said the Legislature should pass full-day kindergarten.

Scott Yenor will lose his war on women because our nation needs their talent

The Boise State professor may survive behavior that would have landed him in the unemployment line if he were in the private sector.

We should use surplus dollars to help students and workforce

The question is do policymakers have the vision to see how these investments can transform Idaho and will they grab this historic opportunity?

Don’t cut funding to Idaho’s higher ed institutions

They are fulfilling the essential mission of creating a brighter economic future for our students, businesses and for all Idahoans.

Education is the best investment Idaho can make

Lawmakers should look at our high education institutions as the best investment to ensure Idaho and its citizens have a prosperous future.