Linda Clark

Guided Pathways: Smoothing Idaho’s education pipeline

The Guided Pathways Committee will continue to develop and refine strategies for improving our system this summer.

Moving forward on Higher Ed Task Force recommendations

Here is a progress update in four areas provided by Dr. Linda Clark, president of the State Board of Education.

Setting tuition and fees should never be ‘pretty or efficient’

I am proud of the way the State Board worked through the various proposals put forth by our colleges and universities.

A good session for education

Education is an investment, not an expense. I am most grateful for the investments made this year, which will pay dividends in Idaho’s future.

Go-on numbers show progress

We need to continue to find ways to make it easier for our young people to continue their education.

‘Apply Idaho’ is a simple and free way to start college

The State Board believes there is a postsecondary path and a bright future for every student.

Essential steps to transforming teaching and learning

Meridian schools Superintendent Linda Clark participated in Future@Now, a conference in Washington dedicated to talking about how schools can use digital technology more effectively. Read a piece she co-authored with several other superintendents about creating modern classrooms.

Help boards be fiscally responsible

New legislation is necessary for trustees to fulfill their fiscal responsibilities and ensure the solvency of their school districts.