Tom Luna

New evaluations remain on schedule

The federal government is giving Idaho and other states until 2016-17 to launch evaluation systems tied to classroom performance. But state superintendent Tom Luna wants Idaho to roll out its new system in 2013-14.

Technology pilot application deadline is 6-14

Idaho schools have until Friday night to turn in their application for a share of $3 million in technology pilot programs.

Chairman: Democrats have candidates in pipeline

Democrats have three or four potential candidates for governor, and another three or four potential candidates for superintendent of public instruction, state party chairman Larry Kenck says. But Kenck isn’t naming names.

Election rumors: Here’s one dead end

Meridian School Superintendent Linda Clark presides over Idaho’s largest school district, but she says she has no aspirations to run for state superintendent of public instruction.

‘Sink or swim:’ Dem chairman rips GOP leaders

A boatload of criticism? In a guest opinion, the chairman of the state’s Democratic Party takes on Gov. Butch Otter, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna and House Speaker Scott Bedke.

Per-pupil spending: a family factor?

Idaho consistently ranks near the bottom nationally in per-pupil spending. Are the state’s family demographics a factor?

Common Core: Who’s for it, and who isn’t?

Where do the state’s key political leaders and stakeholders stand on the controversial Common Core standards? Here’s a deeper look, along with some key quotes.

State releases technology pilot applications

Schools have until June 14 to submit proposals to the state.

Lawmakers revive elements of defeated props

Many lawmakers said the November repeal of the 2011 education laws carried unintended consequences. Others said revival of the laws went too far.