
Obama renews push for pre-K funding

During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Obama said Congress should help “make high-quality pre-K available to every 4-year-old.”

Pre-K: a question of perspectives?

Supporters of a pre-K pilot program are touting the potential for long-term savings — which probably won’t be realized during a three-year test run.

Supporters unveil pre-K pilot proposal

‘The case for preschool education is compelling,” said Rep. Hy Kloc, the bill’s sponsor.

Group: 26 states boost pre-K funding

Idaho is one of only nine states that doesn’t fund pre-K, according to the Denver-based Education Commission of the States.

Summit looks at gaps in reading education

More than 400 teachers, business leaders and elected officials discussed ways to boost Idaho reading scores — and some of the political and social barriers to improvement.

States without pre-K: eight and dropping

Two states are piloting state-funded pre-kindergarten programs — leaving Idaho on a shrinking list of states without state-funded pre-K.

Report: Idaho pre-K enrollment lagging

Less than a third of Idaho 3- to 4-year-olds from low-income households attend preschool, according to a newly released study.

Is Luna changing his views on pre-K?

A news story suggests Superintendent Tom Luna’s opposition to pre-kindergarten programs is softening.

Lawmaker preparing a pre-K pilot plan

For years, pre-kindergarten has been a contentious, emotional issue at the Idaho Statehouse. Rep. Hy Kloc, D-Boise, wants to take another run at pre-K — with a bill establishing private-public pilot schools.

It’s time for an Idaho pre-K pilot

A three-year pilot — funded by the private and public sectors — would give Idaho’s a chance to gauge the effectiveness of pre-kindergarten programs.