Idaho politics

The governor’s race: Labrador isn’t talking

A few months ago, 1st Congressional District Rep. Raul Labrador said he’d make his political plans known by midyear. Now, he says an announcement is still a couple months away.

Chairman: Democrats have candidates in pipeline

Democrats have three or four potential candidates for governor, and another three or four potential candidates for superintendent of public instruction, state party chairman Larry Kenck says. But Kenck isn’t naming names.

Election rumors: Here’s one dead end

Meridian School Superintendent Linda Clark presides over Idaho’s largest school district, but she says she has no aspirations to run for state superintendent of public instruction.

‘Sink or swim:’ Dem chairman rips GOP leaders

A boatload of criticism? In a guest opinion, the chairman of the state’s Democratic Party takes on Gov. Butch Otter, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna and House Speaker Scott Bedke.

Common Core: Who’s for it, and who isn’t?

Where do the state’s key political leaders and stakeholders stand on the controversial Common Core standards? Here’s a deeper look, along with some key quotes.