
‘It’s serious’: Emails reveal details leading up to closure of two charter schools

The principal downplayed claims the schools enrolled far less students than what was reported to the state, and teachers cried when hearing of closures, according to emails.

Analysis: It was an unusual school election. Or is it the new normal?

Vows to oppose mask mandates and critical race theory resonated with many voters. But now it’s time for dozens of new board members to move out of election mode.

Districts receive new federal funding to help homeless youth

Districts and charters have access to millions this year to help homeless youth. Find out how your district is spending the money.

Challenges for homeless students intensified by Idaho housing boom and COVID

Education coordinators are seeing working families priced out of their homes across the state. And once a family becomes homeless, it’s getting increasingly difficult to find a new place.

Analysis: Vaccine mandates could come to Idaho college campuses. Here’s how.

A Biden administration order could affect all federal contractors, including Idaho universities, which receive $89 million in contracts from Uncle Sam.

State employees subbing in schools can get paid twice

The governor’s plan was to help schools meet staff shortages without using school money. But some executive branch employees are getting paid by both the state and the schools for one day’s work.

Analysis: Just another week in the McGeachin chaos campaign

The lieutenant governor wants $50,000 of taxpayer money to cover largely unexplained legal bills. It’s the latest strange turn in an election that’s likely to get more bizarre.

McGeachin’s office says it can’t find invoices for legal bills

The lieutenant governor’s office accrued legal expenses during an unsuccessful court battle with the Idaho Press Club. But the amount remains unknown to taxpayers.

Analysis: November’s school board elections reflect their turbulent time

Tensions over local COVID-19 protocols, and the nationalized critical race theory backlash, are reshaping trustee races in 2021. Is this a step toward pricier, more partisan elections?

State, districts navigate political pushback on ‘social-emotional learning’

The widely used academic term has been drawn into the fierce and divisive debate surrounding critical race theory.