Butch Otter

Balukoff rips ‘shady’ broadband deal

The Democratic candidate says “shady contracts and scandals” have marked Republican Gov. Butch Otter’s tenure.

K-12 funding — Is Idaho No. 50, or No. 51?

Gubernatorial candidate A.J. Balukoff conflated the numbers in a recent fundraising email. But by any metric, Idaho lags far below the national average.

Balukoff hints at tax changes for schools

One option: restoring some of the property taxing authority stripped from school districts in 2006.

Balukoff: End ‘race to the bottom’

In a new fundraising email, Democratic gubernatorial candidate A.J. Balukoff ripped Gov. Butch Otter’s plan to put another $35 million into the public schools rainy-day account. “It’s raining and the roofs are leaking.”

Labrador won’t run for governor

Labrador says he considered a run but said he hasn’t finished the work his supporters sent him to do in Congress.

Huffington Post: Labrador eyes run for governor

Citing an unnamed source, a Huffington Post writer strongly suggests Rep. Raul Labrador will leave Congress to oppose Gov. Butch Otter in the 2014 GOP primary. Labrador still isn’t talking.

Chairman: Democrats have candidates in pipeline

Democrats have three or four potential candidates for governor, and another three or four potential candidates for superintendent of public instruction, state party chairman Larry Kenck says. But Kenck isn’t naming names.

‘Sink or swim:’ Dem chairman rips GOP leaders

A boatload of criticism? In a guest opinion, the chairman of the state’s Democratic Party takes on Gov. Butch Otter, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna and House Speaker Scott Bedke.

Common Core: Who’s for it, and who isn’t?

Where do the state’s key political leaders and stakeholders stand on the controversial Common Core standards? Here’s a deeper look, along with some key quotes.

Otter signs public schools budget

After the session adjured, Otter was given 10 days to sign or veto remaining bills.