2014 elections

Fulcher tweaks Otter on Common Core

The Republican gubernatorial candidate says he will press for “better outcomes in education through local control.”

Malek opts against statewide run

Rep. Luke Malek, a first-term lawmaker from Coeur d’Alene, has decided against joining the crowded field of Republicans running for secretary of state.

The ever-growing secretary of state’s race

By day’s end, four Republicans will be in the running to succeed retiring Secretary of State Ben Ysursa.

New Plymouth schools chief runs for House

New Plymouth Superintendent Ryan Kerby has filed paperwork for a possible run for the Idaho House of Representatives, for the spot now held by former House Speaker Lawerence Denney.

Large districts gearing up for bonds, levies

Bonneville, Nampa and Twin Falls school districts are set to run a supplemental levy or bond issue in 2014, while Meridian officials are considering a bond issue as well.

The ‘O’ word of the day …

Say this much for Democratic gubernatorial candidate A.J. Balukoff: He has Gov. Butch Otter and GOP challenger Russ Fulcher singing from the same hymn book.

Balukoff: a likely gubernatorial candidate?

The official announcement will come Tuesday. But the tea leaves strongly suggest that A.J. Balukoff, a 16-year Boise School Board veteran, will run for governor on the Democratic Party ticket.

A Tuesday election filings update

Deputy Ada County clerk Phil McGrane takes a step toward running for secretary of state. And former congressional candidate Jimmy Farris resurfaces.

Fulcher plans statewide tour Saturday

What will state Sen. Russ Fulcher announce when he flies across the state Saturday for a series of political announcements?

Hunting for some political news?

Don’t look for a headline, at least not yet, from longtime Boise School Board member A J Balukoff. He says he’s a couple weeks away from making an announcement on a possible run for governor.