This week’s coronavirus trendline (10.23.20 edition)


Another week, another grim Idaho coronavirus milestone.

For the first time in the seven-month outbreak, new weekly cases eclipsed the 5,000 mark.

On Friday afternoon, the state and its seven health districts reported 57,909 confirmed or probable coronavirus cases. That’s an 11 percent increase from last week, and the third successive week of record cases.

Other weekly numbers trended poorly as well.

Deaths were up from the previous week. So were hospitalizations and ICU visits. And as the state set new highs for cases, the number of Idahoans tested for coronavirus decreased slightly.

All of these trends come as schools across the state wrestle with reopening. And at the same time, health districts in North Idaho and the Magic Valley rejected or rescinded mask requirements, despite rising local hospitalization rates.

In other coronavirus headlines from the week:

Back to school in West Ada. The state’s largest school district reopened Wednesday, after a two-day teacher sickout ended. West Ada will operate on a hybrid schedule, with its 38,000 students attending school on alternate days.

State guidelines get a rewrite. The State Board of Education tweaked its nonbinding K-12 reopening guidelines Wednesday. The change is designed to allow schools to continue some face-to-face instruction even when counties are in the “red” high-risk category for coronavirus transmission. The plan is modeled after Ada County, where Boise and West Ada schools are operating on a blended calendar while the county remains in the “red” designation.

Higher education enrollment. The pandemic is affecting higher education enrollment, and some details came into focus this week. Boise State University, the University of Idaho and Idaho State University all are reporting decreases — but not the devastating 20 percent drop-offs predicted in national modeling — and Lewis-Clark State College saw an increase. One big wild card: the number of high school students signing up for dual-credit college courses.

K-12 cases appear to inch upward. The Department of Health and Welfare Friday reported at least 96 cases in K-12 schools for the week. Last week’s minimum was 94. Post Falls High School reported seven new cases, the most of any school in the state. Tyhee Elementary School in Pocatello reported five cases.

This week’s numbers (and comparisons with last week):

Statewide data Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Change, Oct. 10-16 Change, Oct. 17-23
Cases, confirmed and probable 52,250 57,909 4,752 5,659
Total cases, ages 0-4 875 936 57 61
Total cases, ages 5-12 1,705 1,887 162 182
Total cases, ages 13-17 2,804 3,187 247 383
Total cases, ages 18-29 14,856 16,404 1,366 1,548
Weekly cases, K-12 schools (minimum) 94 96 -9 +2
Deaths 523 562 17 39
Hospitalizations 2,174 2,387 161 213
ICU admissions 495 527 20 32
Estimated, patients recovered 25,457 27,509 1,576 2,052
Idahoans tested 348,518 366,047 17,556 17,529
Health care workers infected 3,349 3,626 179 277
Positive test rate (based on all cases divided by testing numbers, as reported by the state) 15.0 percent 15.8 percent +0.6 percentage points +0.8 percentage points


Top five counties, by total cases Oct. 16 Oct. 23 New cases, Oct. 17-23 New cases per day, per 100,000 population
Ada 14,913 15,976 1,063 31.5
Canyon 9,102 9,661 559 34.7
Bonneville 3,732 4,210 478 57.4
Kootenai 3,277 3,801 524 45.2
Twin Falls 3,220 3,734 514 84.0


Hotspot counties (weekly increase of 10 percent or higher) Oct. 16 Oct. 23 New cases, Oct. 17-23 New cases per day, per 100,000 population
Adams 32 39 7 23.3
Bannock 1,898 2,268 370 60.2
Bear Lake 59 67 8 18.7
Bingham 1,379 1,526 147 44.9
Bonneville 3,732 4,210 478 57.4
Boundary 89 126 37 43.2
Butte 76 92 16 88.0
Caribou 206 250 44 87.9
Cassia 1,070 1,276 206 122.5
Clearwater 120 133 13 21.2
Elmore 447 516 69 35.8
Franklin 276 335 59 60.7
Fremont 351 437 86 93.8
Gooding 432 515 83 78.1
Idaho 290 339 49 42.0
Jefferson 828 916 88 42.1
Kootenai 3,277 3,801 524 45.2
Lemhi 168 203 35 62.3
Lewis 64 75 11 40.9
Lincoln 130 154 24 63.9
Madison 1,903 2,328 425 152.9
Minidoka 996 1,126 130 88.3
Nez Perce 612 757 145 51.3
Oneida 38 47 9 28.4
Shoshone 229 253 24 26.6
Twin Falls 3,220 3,734 514 84.0
Kevin Richert

Kevin Richert

Senior reporter and blogger Kevin Richert specializes in education politics and education policy. He has more than 30 years of experience in Idaho journalism. He is a frequent guest on "Idaho Reports" on Idaho Public Television and "Idaho Matters" on Boise State Public Radio. Follow Kevin on Twitter: @KevinRichert. He can be reached at [email protected]

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