Coronavirus trendline, 6.4.21: New case numbers approach a one-year low

For the first time in almost a year, Idaho has reported fewer than 1,000 new coronavirus cases for the week.

On Friday afternoon, the state and its health districts reported 192,835 confirmed or probable coronavirus cases, a 0.4 percent weekly increase.

The 747 new cases represent the lowest weekly total since mid-June 2020.

One other downward trend continued, however. Vaccination numbers fell for the eighth successive week.

Here are the latest numbers, and comparisons with the previous week:


Statewide data May 28 June 4 Change, May 22-28 Change, May 29-June 4
Cases, confirmed and probable 192,088 192,835 1,020 747
Deaths 2,090 2,101 10 11
Patients ever hospitalized 8,582 8,634 249 52
Patients ever admitted to ICU 1,450 1,458 42 8
Idahoans vaccinated 672,164 683,100 18,577 10,936
Idahoans fully vaccinated 590,772 603,067 16,198 12.295
Vaccine doses administered 1,220,941 1,242,571 31,861 21.630
‘Breakthrough’ cases

(vaccinated Idahoans who later test positive)

295 340 20 45
Total tests administered 1,340,453 1,352,752 12,509 12,299
Health care workers infected 10,728 10,766 59 38
Patients recovered, estimated 111,299 112,053 833 754
Total cases, ages 0-4 2,980 3,008 12 28
Total cases, ages 5-12 7,498 7,543 56 45
Total cases, ages 13-17 11,289 11,342 71 53
Total cases, ages 18-29 47,932 48,088 196 156


Weekly positive test rate, as reported by the state: 4.2 percent for week ending May 29, compared to 5.0 percent the previous week.

Top 10 counties, by total cases May 28 June 4 New cases, May 29-June 4 New cases per day, per 100,000 population
Ada 52,800 53,011 211 6.3
Canyon 27,135 27,277 142 8.8
Kootenai 18,558 18,708 150 12.9
Bonneville 14,983 14,997 14 1.8
Twin Falls 9,662 9,704 42 6.9
Bannock 8,840 8,849 9 1.5
Madison 7,277 7,297 20 7.2
Bingham 4,869 4,869 0  
Nez Perce 3,678 3,692 14 4.9
Bonner 3,306 3,323 17 5.3
Ten hotspot counties (most daily cases, per 100,000 population) May 28 June 4 New cases,

May 29-June 4

New cases per day, per 100,000 population
Lewis 412 418 6 22.3
Shoshone 1,146 1,162 16 17.7
Clearwater 1,069 1,077 8 13.1
Kootenai 18,558 18,708 150 12.9
Canyon 27,135 27,277 142 8.8
Owyhee 1,077 1,084 7 8.5
Payette 2,584 2,597 13 7.8
Madison 7,277 7,297 20 7.2
Washington 1,277 1,232 5 7.0
Twin Falls 9,662 9,704 42 6.9
Kevin Richert

Kevin Richert

Senior reporter and blogger Kevin Richert specializes in education politics and education policy. He has more than 30 years of experience in Idaho journalism. He is a frequent guest on "Idaho Reports" on Idaho Public Television and "Idaho Matters" on Boise State Public Radio. Follow Kevin on Twitter: @KevinRichert. He can be reached at [email protected]

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