Boise teacher turns into summer artist

Josh Udesen’s paintings at the art fair in Jackson Hole, WY.

When the school year wraps up for Josh Udesen, a high school history teacher at Riverstone International School, he packs his bags and loads up his car with art. Josh is a part-time artist and started painting six years ago. During the summer months, he travels to show off his paintings and make an extra income. He’s already logged 3,600 miles the past two months traveling to Colorado and Wyoming.

“I go to about five shows a summer all over the west,” he said.

Josh loves to paint fish. He’s an avid fisherman and former fishing guide.

“Fish are my thing – the success I have had with painting is that I have found a niche,” he said. “I know a lot about fish because that is my other obsession and I get my ideas off of photos I take while fishing.”

The art business supplements Josh’s teacher income and keeps him busy during the three months off.

“I would still call this a hobby because I love painting. I lose track of the time when I’m in the zone and the best part is the challenge,” he said. “I always try new things and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s fun to give it a go.”

Brown trout painting by Josh Udesen.

Victoria Coelho, the co-chairman of Show Off! Art Show in Eagle enjoys Josh’s creativity when it comes to his paintings. He’s been attending the Eagle art show for more than seven years and last year was featured as the signature artist at the event.

“He’s a professional and has a fresh approach and eye. Josh experiments and does interesting perspective with his art,” Coelho said. “Serious artists attend our show and Josh is very successful at what he does.”

When it comes to teaching, Josh has a passion for history. His own art doesn’t grace the walls of his classroom. Instead, it’s history posters and artifacts.

“It always takes my students a while to figure out what I do on the side, I don’t talk about it. I have my job as a teacher which a love – my painting is something I do for fun,” he said.

Click here to check out Josh’s work.

Are you a teacher and have a fun summer job? Idaho Ed News wants to feature you ­– email [email protected] and share your story!

Andrew Reed

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