Teacher Evaluations ’22
Teacher evaluations were intended to be a tool for teachers to receive feedback and improve, and to identify and elevate the best. Sometimes they are meaningful, but other times a trivial checklist.
The history, context and conflicts of teacher evaluations
They were supposed to be a golden ticket to strengthen education, attract teachers and boost morale. But more often, they are tedious checklists that have minimal impact on teacher pay.
Administrators wish they had more flexibility
It’s currently a streamlined system that’s consistent statewide, but isn’t always the best or most appropriate measuring stick.
Performance makes almost no impact on pay
Evaluations and bonus initiatives intended to reward high-performing teachers ended up being overly-complicated, feeble, and/or short-lived
Spelling it Out: A tutorial on teacher evaluations
Teacher evaluations matter because they impact teacher raises and are tied to tax dollars. Here’s what you should know about them.