How Title IX affects Idaho kids and schools
A four-story series on Idaho’s failure to comply with the federal Title IX law, and why it matters and how children are affected. The stories detail a call for more training on sexual misconduct, how districts are helping each other improve, and one student’s experience, which has led to a federal investigation.
Students, advocates call for more student training on sexual misconduct and Title IX
Training would give young people more control over recognizing, and responding to, sexual violence in their own lives.
Rural Education Association pilots consortiums for districts to help one another with Title IX
Educators in the Magic Valley and lower panhandle are navigating the complicated rules together.
‘You just want to feel safe:’ Transgender youth fights for bathroom access in Jerome
Federal guidelines for interpreting how Title IX applies to transgender youth have changed repeatedly in the past few years.
Idaho schools scramble to catch up with sexual harassment requirements
Title IX has long applied to the way schools should respond to allegations of sexual harassment and assault as a form of discrimination. But K-12 schools have been slow to catch on.