How the child care crisis affects working parents

More companies offer on-site child care. Parents love the convenience, but is it a long-term fix?

Child care costs can eclipse rent or mortgages, if parents can access care in the first place. Many find themselves on waitlists.

Congress hasn’t helped families with day care costs. So states are stepping in

Across the country, the story for families is virtually the same: Child care is unaffordable for many, hard to find for those who can pay, and financially precarious for day care operators and their employees.

“I can be mom and teacher:” Schools tackle child care needs to keep staff in classrooms

It’s a retention tool as much as it is a way to ensure youngsters are prepared when they enter kindergarten.

These cities raised taxes — for free child care

Parents say the free day care ‘changed my life.’

America’s child care system is in crisis. It’s especially holding back moms without college degrees

But the high cost of child care has upended the careers of even those with college degrees, including teachers.