Devin Bodkin

Teenage cancer survivor makes his wish come true

Firth senior Jared Andersen devoted his senior project to remodeling his school’s weight room because it was a place that helped cure him of cancer.

Allure of out-of-state jobs hampering 60 percent graduation goal

State Board of Education data shows that roughly one-fourth of Idaho college grads with advanced STEM degrees found work in neighboring Washington.

East Idaho school districts combat child hunger

More than 83,000 children statewide experience “food insecurity,” according to one source.

Charter school could make historic Idaho Falls building home

Board members and parents say the O.E. Bell Building is a prime location for a charter school.

Teacher shortage in East Idaho called a ‘famine’

Administrators say they are struggling to fill open positions because of pay gaps, healthcare costs, rural locations and low morale in the teaching ranks.

Alternative route to teacher certification grows

The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence is a way to bring professionals with bachelors degrees – but without college of education backgrounds – into the classroom.

School club helps Skyline student earn $200,000 in scholarships

The club’s goal is to promote college and career readiness by encouraging students to take more challenging courses – even if it means getting a B rather than an A in an easier class.

Parents voice concerns over high school redesigns in Idaho Falls

Concepts for updating Skyline and Idaho Falls high schools include a new auditorium, gymnasium and more modern architecture. No price tag has been announced.

In Pocatello, broadband mess could short-circuit textbook purchases

Fifty-seven districts and charter schools could lose $2 million, in the latest complication stemming from the Idaho Education Network contract meltdown.

Shelley valedictorian excels on the track and in the classroom

Senior David Searle credits his success to his parents and teachers.