Chuck Malloy

Chuck Malloy, a long-time Idaho journalist and columnist. He may be reached at [email protected].

Moon is out if new GOP team has its way

The immediate focus of the leadership team will be to restore peace and harmony to the central committee

GOP platform: IFF does the thinking for you

The stakes in this election go beyond a few legislative seats.

Calls grow louder for budget amendment

Craig, in 1979, was among the state senators voting for a constitutional convention to consider a budget amendment and continued promoting the issue through his congressional career.

Launch grants: Game changer, or money pit?

Politically, there are reservations in the Legislature, and not just from those on the far right.

Take Back Idaho takes aim at the far right

A group called Take Back Idaho has launched a campaign to provide a different sort of narrative from the IFF and those to the right.

Lawmaker: ‘Rational people’ need to step up in GOP

The political drama in Bonneville County is just getting started.

GOP lawmakers get no love back home

Doyle Beck, who chairs the Bonneville Republican Central Committee, told the Post Register that party officials should be able to hold their elected officials accountable.

Bedke resists ‘burn-it-down’ mentality

It wasn’t long ago when now-Lt. Gov. Scott Bedke was part of a House leadership team that was widely viewed as one of the most conservative in Idaho’s history. Across the rotunda, there was now-Gov. Brad Little who generally was preaching the same conservative gospel in the Senate. I worked as communication adviser with the…

‘Politician’ is not always a dirty word

Critchfield knows there will be disagreements here and there. She welcomes one-on-one visits with legislators to discuss those differences.

Debbie Critchfield sends message to Idaho’s school officials after Election Day

There are personal adjustments that lie ahead – including her and her husband, Dave, getting a second home in Boise.