Month: January 2020

Tromp touts innovation — but cautions against further budget cuts

Boise State University’s new president said she is worried about maintaining the course offerings students need to graduate within four years.

Let’s invest in our children’s future

Reclaim Idaho’s Invest in Idaho ballot initiative puts our kids on the right path toward success.

Don’t rely on luck to address teens’ challenges

Invest in social-emotional learning.

Statehouse roundup, 1.23.20: Ybarra pitches 5.3 percent increase for K-12

The biggest driver of Ybarra’s 2021 budget is a $40 million proposal to increase pay for veteran teachers.

Analysis: Presidents talk about a ‘new day.’ And they seem to mean it.

Idaho’s new wave of higher education leaders checked rivalry at the Statehouse doors this week — earning praise from legislators.

Veteran pay raises will likely hinge on an accountability metric

Gov. Brad Little’s staff and legislators have been talking behind the scenes about how to tie raises to student performance. The topic surfaced during a budget hearing Thursday morning.

School savings surpass $323 million

Increased state funding accompanies added savings for school districts and charter schools across Idaho.

Educators back science standards during divided House hearing

The wide-ranging debate touched on climate change, human impact on the environment and whether Christopher Columbus was racist.

Statehouse roundup, 1.22.20 State Board pushes for ‘make or break’ scholarship money

Despite an infusion of $7 million in one-time money, some 1,200 eligible students still didn’t get a share of Opportunity Scholarship money. Meanwhile, the fast-growing College of Western Idaho is poised for another big enrollment surge.

VIDEO: ‘Education 2020’ on Idaho Public Television

If you missed an in-depth look at K-12 and higher education in Idaho, you can watch it here.