Voices from the Idaho EdNews Community

A letter of support for Idaho’s governmental officials

The Idaho Business for Education Board of Directors, which represents nearly 250 businesses across Idaho, has unanimously voted to lend its full support to our local government officials – mayors, city councils, county commissions, school leaders and health district members – who are doing all they can to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The difficult task of saving Idahoans from  infection and death from this invisible enemy has fallen to these public servants who, when they accepted their responsibilities, had no idea that they would be charged with stopping the worst pandemic in 100 years.

They have had the unenviable burden of adopting policies that scientists and health care professionals confirm are the only proven tools we have right now to contain the virus until we have a vaccine that reaches all Idahoans. Those policies include mandatory masks, safe distancing and limiting crowds where the virus can spread.

These policies, if followed by Idahoans, will help contain the spread of the virus, prevent infections, and save lives. We encourage all Idahoans to follow the lead of these leaders so that we can keep our businesses and schools open and keep our hospitals from getting overwhelmed with sick patients, which could lead to rationing care.

Already more than 113,000 of our fellow citizens have been infected and more than 1,000 have died. Supporting these safety precautions will especially be critical in the months ahead when health experts expect infections and deaths to soar because of the cold weather, combined with the flu season, and holiday gatherings.

With respect, the IBE Board of Directors urges all Idahoans to do whatever they can to support these dedicated public servants who are doing their best to serve the people of Idaho and to help us contain the spread of this virus in our great state.

Idaho Business for Education Board of Directors


Idaho Business for Education

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