Idaho Legislature
Lawmakers could return to Boise Wednesday — but they’re unlikely to accomplish much
“The COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ has been weaponized to create division and mistrust among neighbors,” Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, wrote last week. But it’s unlikely that House members will be able to take any concrete action Wednesday on vaccine mandates.
State Board says teacher bonus review process nearly complete
Barring any last-minute problems, the state should be able to notify master educator premium applicants by the end of next week.
House Republicans kill bill for a $6 million federal preschool grant
The bill died despite a Democrat’s last-minute effort to revive it.
Legislative roundup, 2.26.21: Local alternative teaching certificate bill advances
Under the bill local districts and charters could create their own criteria for nontraditional teaching certificates.
Legislative roundup, 2.24.21: Bill would allow parents to pull students out of schools not offering in-person learning
Parents could pull their children out and receive a pro-rated payment they could use to reimburse eligible education expenses.
Legislative roundup, 2.18.21: New bill would revive Strong Families grants
The bill would also create state scholarships for students who do not attend public schools.
Legislative roundup, 2.16.21: Senate passes advanced opportunities expansion, and a big tax bill surfaces
The Senate signed off on extending the state’s advanced opportunities program to private and parochial school students. Meanwhile, the first big tax relief bill of the year surfaced Tuesday.
Legislative roundup, 2.15.21: New labor negotiations bill introduced
If the bill passes, school districts would no longer have to participate in labor negotiations with the teachers’ union.